I've made good progress on my games to play list so I thought I would post a quick update.
Games Off The List
- Merlin's Company hit the table during our last game night, and was quite easy to pick up. Shadows Over Camelot is a fairly simple game and the expansion only added a little bit of complexity. I'm fairly confident this will get played again soon as Merlin's Company seems to add good things to the game.
- Lord of the Rings: The Card Game looks very promising. It is a combination of the deck building in Magic: The Gathering, the co-operative game play of Ghost Stories, and a unique quest/adventure system that is very interesting and thematic. I played the first quest scenario in the game (Passage Through Mirkwood) partially with Abby's assistance. At first the game didn't seem to be all that difficult but near the end enemies really started to pile up and we won by a very slim margin. Looking forward to many more plays of this!
- Memoir '44 I played with Mike several weeks ago. We both enjoyed it but I'm not sure if there will be many opportunities for use to play the game as usually there are 5 of us and not 2! We do at the very least need to replay the first scenario on opposite sides one of these days...
- Say Anything we played three weeks ago at game night, and again with the in-laws more recently. It is a solid game, and fun, but I find I'm generally not that interested in party games this light anymore. Time's Up and hidden role games like Werewolf & The Resistance are much more substantial and satisfying in party situations.
Games Never Played
- Shogun [Have yet to read the rules for this one.]
- Battlestar Galactica [Read the rules almost twice through. I really need to play a solo walk through of the game before bringing it to the table, however, as it is quite complicated!]
- Bang! [Read the rules to this and it looks quite simple. We will play it the next time we have 5-7 players.]
Games Not Yet Played This Year
- Alhambra
- Carcassonne
- Carcassonne: The Castle
- Metropolys
- Wits & Wagers [Next party situation I'll try to get this to the table.]
- Blokus
- El Grande [Thinking of trying this one out with our 5 player family group.]
- Puerto Rico
- Scotland Yard [I feel like this one will work with the Mrs. & the kids.]
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